Why Is My Dishwasher Leaking? Quick Solution to Leaking Issues

Dishwashers come in different sizes, shapes, and types. No matter what kind of dishwasher you are using, you might face some leakage issues while washing your dishes.

But you don’t need to panic we will enlist the common dishwasher leaking issues and quick solutions so you could get back to washing your dishes normally.

Why is My Dishwasher Leaking?

If you walk into your kitchen and happen to find a big pool of water, the first attention may go towards your kitchen sink or dishwasher. Water leakage issues can be caused due to more than one reason which we have discussed below:

Door gasket sealing: Dishwasher door seal leakage can significantly cause water escape from the dishwasher. Like any other kitchen appliance, dishwasher parts tend to break down over time use. The door seal would probably become loose, which may prevent it from closing correctly. Proper maintenance and cleaning of the dishwasher can retain the door gasket’s durability.

Filter blockage: Filters should be cleaned and changed regularly. Long-term used filters can build up food blockage, which can cause leakage problems due to the overflow of water. Filter cleaning can improvise dishwasher efficiency. Water leakage is a prominent indicator that your filter needs to be cleaned.

Also if you are worried about hard water damaging your dishes or dishwasher check out the best dishwashers for hard water!

Uneven positioning: Another major issue can be the alignment of your dishwasher in a tilted direction. If your machine is leaning forward, chances are the water may leak out due to overflow. The improperly leveled dishwasher may also prevent the door from closing correctly.

Soap compatibility: The density of your detergent or dishwashing soap can also cause the leakage issue. If your detergent or soap is too thick, it can pressurize the dishwasher seal to break. If the seal is not closed correctly, it may cause water leak pretty quickly.

Damaged water pump: The water pump is responsible for water circulation in the dishwasher and water drainage. A defective water pump may have an improper seal which can affect the draining process.

Dishwasher leaking underneath

A dishwasher leaking from underneath can have multiple reasons; you can fix almost all of that. Before proceeding with any inspection, ensure that the main circuit breaker of the dishwasher is off and disconnect any electricity source. 

The main issue is diagnosed with something faulty with the water spray arm. The water spray arm is located at the bottom of the dishwasher. Due to many reasons, the spray arm’s functioning may be disturbed, resulting in water pooling on the bottom of the dishwasher. 

Dishwasher leaking from the bottom

Most commonly, the dishes placed on the bottom-most rack of the dishwasher block the rotation of the water spray arm. Consumers should check that no utensil is blocking the functional area of the spray arm to avoid such situations. 

You should also check the proper rotation of the spray arm to ensure nothing faulty on that end. To do so, remove the lower rack of the dishwasher. The spray arm is located beneath that. Remove and reattach it and try rotating to see if it moves freely. The spray arm could also face a mechanical issue and jam resulting in pooling and leaking of water.

Dishwasher leaking under the sink

The drainage components located at the inner bottom side of the dishwasher can be clogged, resulting in the drainage of water. To inspect this, unscrew the bottom panel and service panel of the dishwasher. 

Depending on specific models, inner door screws can also be opened to reveal a more exposed view of the wiring and pipes of the dishwasher. Locate the drain pipe and check for leaks on any end. Replace the connection seal on the attachment ends, and the leakage should be resolve. 

The water inlet pipes attached to the pump can also cause water leaks from the dishwasher. Consumers can check that all the screws holding together the water pump components are in place and tight. 

The inlet and drainage pipes may also be fitted loosely or cracked. In such cases, the appropriate replacements should be made after analyzing the problem at hand.

Dishwasher leaking when not running

If no appropriate reason for the water leakage can be found, users can take one final step to diagnose the problem’s source possibly. Firstly, disconnect all the water inlet and outlet sources followed by electrical supplies. 

Unscrew the foot panel, and top cabinet mounted screws. Remove any utensils placed inside the dishwasher, then remove the racks. Gently pull the dishwasher out from its designated position. 

When placed in a position where the bottom is visible, fill the inner bottom tray of the washer with water. Check any side of the washer from where water is possibly seeping. This step may help pinpoint the root cause of the water leak.

Why is my Frigidaire dishwasher leaking?

The overloading of your Frigidaire dishwasher may cause water leakage. A crowded interior may cause the dishwasher arm to perform improperly, affecting the gasket seal from closing correctly.

Why is my dishwasher leaking from the front?

The blockage in the air gap can cause a dishwasher to leak from the front side. The backup can be cleaned easily by removing the metal cover and clearing the piece of food or residue. Make sure to check the instructions before performing cleaning on your own.

Bosch dishwashers leaking

Your Bosch dishwasher could be leaking due to a broken cleaning arm. Uneven distribution of water due to the cleaning arm can force the water into the lower part of the dishwasher.

What is the most common reason for dishwasher leaking?

A damaged door gasket of a dishwasher can be the most common cause of water leakage. The door gasket seal can be affected due to multiple reasons, including improper cleaning.


Cleaning your kitchen appliances is mandatory to retain their durability. Water leakage issue is a common concern that may happen to some brand-new dishwashers. It may not be a faulty product, but a possible mistake with the alignment or accessories. However, you may want to seek professional service from a plumber before performing anything on your own.

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