Kitchen Knife Sharpening Angle | Ultimate Chef Guide 2022

The condition of your culinary kitchen items defines the expertise of a chef. Especially when it comes to home kitchens, objects like kitchen knives have a crucial role in their lifespan and quality. But how can you maintain that?

The best method to retain a kitchen knife’s use is regularly sharpening it. The suitable angle for sharpening a kitchen knife is a 17-to-20-degree angle, ensuring the knife’s durability.

Although each knife has a specific make and model that sets its sharpening method apart, you have to be precise while sharpening a knife to avoid any hazardous accidents. This article will discuss everything you need to know about kitchen knives sharpening angles and their importance.

What Is Knife Edge Angle?

A knife’s angle is the position in degrees where the cutting edge meets the sharp end and tip of the knife from the rest of the blade. If a knife has an advantage on one side, it is called a single bevel, and if it has edges on both sides, they’re double bevel knives.

Most expensive knives are dual bevel as they are much more durable. The knife sharpening angle for a dual bevel knife is around 30 to 40 degrees, which means it’s for both edges (15-20 degrees each).

Why Is the Knife Edge Angle Important?

It’s essential to understand the knife angle while cutting and sharpening the knife. While cutting, a knife should be held at an angle that allows the sharpest point of the blade to remain in touch with the workpiece.

You might make the cutting-edge steeper and duller if you sharpen the knife at a higher angle. Therefore, it is recommended to sharpen a knife at a lower angle, as it gives better results under less effort.

Moreover, if you don’t want to damage your blade’s finish or cutting edge, you should keep a steady pace while sharpening the knife. Knives that are safe for dishwashers may not rust easily if the blade end gets chipped while sharpening.

What is the Best Angle for Kitchen Knives?

The ideal angle for kitchen knives is 15 to 20 degrees, covering a knife’s single bevel. This range is a lower angle that gives the best results effortlessly.
It is best to consider the recommendations of your knife manufacturer to learn the correct sharpening angle. It varies on the knife’s quality, size and style too.

Best Sharpening Angle for Japanese Kitchen Knife

The standard Japanese knives can be sharpened at 30-40 degrees. Such a high figure is because Japanese knives are double beveled.


Therefore, symmetrically the blade creates a V-shaped edge on either side.

The Japanese butcher knives are sharpened under the same concept, which means that the edge on either side makes a V-shaped slope. Keep in mind that both sides need to be sharpened with a double-beveled knife. So, if the suggested angle is 30 degrees, you’ll have to maintain the position of 15 degrees on each side.

Best Sharpening Angle for Pocket Knife

A suitable pocket knife can be sharpened anywhere between 15-and 25 degrees. There is a large steep between the sharpening angles of pocket knives because they come in different sizes and shapes.
These knives also come in foldable options, so the size and blade design impact the difference.
Pocket knives are usually used for crafting things. You can also use them for cutting wires or threads, which requires an adequately sharpened blade.

Best Sharpening Angle for Hunting Knife

The best sharpening angle for a hunting knife can range anywhere between 22-and 30 degrees. Hunting knives are relatively different from kitchen knives in shape, size, and thickness.


These knives are helpful for cutting rigid materials like wood or branches. It’s a valuable item to carry at a campsite, and you can easily sharpen these knives with a sandstone.

With the hunting knives, you have to ease on sharpening, so the knife is easy to pull off when struck in a woodblock. That is why it is essential to maintain a high angle.

15 Vs. 20 Degree Knife Edge

As discussed above, in each kind of knife’s sharpening angle, the 20-degree sharpened knives have more support with the metal than 15-degree sharpened edge knives.

Where the 20-degree sharpened edge has its plus, the 15-degree edge knives retain better durability than the 20-degree knife edge.

It depends on the make quality and thickness of the knife. If the knife is durable enough to withstand 15-degree edge sharpening, you’ll get a sharper edge compared to 20 degrees.

Knife Angle Chart

Knife StyleAngle
Crafting Knife12-17 degrees
Kitchen Knife17-20 degrees
Chef Knife16-26 degrees
Folding Knife18-30 degrees
Large Hunting Knife21-35 degrees
Survival Knife23-39 degrees
Meat Cleaver25-44 degrees

Kitchen Knife Sharpening Angle FAQs

How Do I Know If My Knife Is 15 Or 20 Degree?

It depends on the manufacturer. The European region manufactured knives are 20-degree while the Asian style knives have a 15-degree edge.

What Is the Proper Angle to Sharpen a Knife?

Twenty degrees is the most suitable angle to sharpen a knife without chipping its blade and affecting durability.


Kitchen knives are supposed to be used daily, which gradually dulls the blade’s edge. The knife sharpening method seems more manageable, but things can go wrong if you’re unfamiliar with the correct sharpening angle.

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