How to make Cafetiere Coffee – How To Use A Cafetiere

Beginning your day with a nice cup of coffee is preferred during breakfast by many as they consider it a perfect start to their day. However, everyone likes a specific sort of coffee that suits their taste preference and culture.

Making the coffee and grinding makes quite a difference in terms of retaining the taste and essence of the coffee. Grinding the coffee at home is preferred to assist the simplicity. For this purpose, we can use a simple tool like a cafetiere to brew coffee at home. But before we discuss coffee brewing, let’s look at how a cafetiere functions and how we can make gourmet tasting coffee using a cafetiere.

make Cafetiere Coffee


The ideal flavor and essence of the coffee depend on the brewing process. A cafetiere brews the coffee in such a way that it gives a richer taste with better texture without exposing the coffee to boiling process or pressure.

The preferable sort of coffee grind for a cafetiere to achieve the level of perfection is the coarsely ground coffee. The coarsely ground coffee should rest in the water for a longer period by fully immersing the coffee to avoid over-extraction. 

As for roast coffee type, any sort of roast can be used for the cafetiere process, although medium-dark or dark roast is preferable. The natural oils retain the robust flavor of the coffee since there is no filter to soak them up. Some of the recommended names for making cafetiere coffee are:

  • Guatemala Elephant
  • Monsoon Malabar
  • Old Brown Java


A cafetiere follows a classic method to brew coffee with a plunger that grinds the coffee until it is ready to be poured. A cafetiere simplifies the brewing process by retaining the taste of coffee. A cafetiere is easy to use in which you have to follow a few steps before you start the brewing process. Let’s discuss some basic steps before you begin the plunging process of coffee: 

  • At first, you have to fill the cafetiere to the half by pouring hot waters over the ground, so they completely submerge into hot water. 
  • After that, you can fill them in the water and put them on the lid. 
  • Before you begin plunging, you need to set the timer for 4 minutes.


The initial process is about preparing the coffee by immersing it in water to rain the flavors and richness of coffee. However, the brewing process is delicate and, therefore, should be done patiently. There could be an uneven extraction of grinds. The metal filter allows the grinds to pass through, which you can add to your cup at the end of the cafetiere. Using dark coffee can give you a much richer taste, and matching the right ratio of coffee (4 tablespoons or 15g) and hot water (1 liter) can give you a perfect taste.


Both of the coffee types are debatable and have their pros and cons. The preference on choice when it comes to both of these coffee types depends a lot on the person. Some people might think all of the coffee is the same, but it’s the brewing method that brings a major difference in taste. Let’s discuss both of these types and how they differ from each other when it comes to our daily home routine.

1.  Cafetiere Coffee:

               The Cafetiere Coffee is made by the French press brewing method. It’s a classic method that has been followed to make smooth and rich-tasting coffee since the 1920s. The characteristics of a cafetiere coffee are as follow:

  • It’s easy to brew ground coffee by using the plunging technique. However, it’s a hectic technique and may require some effort to brew the coffee.
  • Best tasting Coffee can be made according to your taste. You can make much stronger and richer coffee depending on your choice of coffee grounds.
  • You can make up to 8 cups at once with the French press technique.
  • Cafetiere technique may require an accurate ratio of water and coffee to create the right mixture.
  • You may have to clean up the leftovers in the plunger device after the brewing process.

2.  Instant Coffee:

               Instant coffee requires a coffee machine that uses pressure and boiling to prepare the coffee grounds. The pre-brewed coffee grounds are contained in the coffee machine and are ready for consumption. Instant coffee is pretty easy and a quicker way to get your coffee at home. The characteristics are stated below:

  • The instant coffee method is very convenient and easy to prepare without any effort. 
  • You have numerous flavors to try in instant coffee, which can be found at various coffee shops like Starbucks, and you can also order them at home.
  • Instant coffee retains the flavors, and it is also much convenient to clean.
  • Though it might be easy to prepare, it may contain a weak flavor and less amount of caffeine.

The choice of Cafetiere Coffee and Instant Coffee depends on the person. Cafetiere coffee is preferred for those who appreciate the richness of taste and enjoy preparing the coffee as much as they like to drink. There is a chance of error in preparing coffee by the French press method as you can control the bitterness of flavor. However, instant coffee is for those who are always on the run in a busy routine and don’t prefer to wait to get their coffee. Cafetiere coffee is preferred when it comes to the richness of taste, while instant coffee is for convenience of preparation method.


The preparation of Cafetiere Coffee requires a lot of precision and control over the plunging device and the ingredients as well. The following are the steps to prepare Cafetiere Coffee using the French press method:

Step:1 – Prepare the vessel with hot water:

In the first step, you have to prepare the vessel with hot water before pouring it into the coffee grounds or roasted coffee.

Step:2 – How many scoops of coffee in a cafetiere:

One scoop per cup is preferable to prepare, and it depends on how many cups of coffee you are preparing. You can make up to 8 cups of coffee in the Cafetiere device. It also varies on the richness or strength of taste you want in the coffee. 

Step:3 – Cafetiere Coffee ratio:

An amount of 15g of coffee for 250ml of water is preferred. The amount of water depends on the cups of cafetiere coffee you want to prepare, although the ideal temperature should be between 94-97 degrees Celsius.

Step:4 – How long should I let the coffee brew in the cafetiere:

After adding the hot water, add the amount of coffee according to the ratio mentioned in the previous steps. Let the grounds sit infuse in hot water for about 4 minutes.

Step:5 – Stir the cafetiere:

With the help of a wooden spoon, stir the coffee slowly.

Step:6 – Plunge the Coffee:

It’s a delicate process, so you have to plunge slowly and patiently while continuing to push down the press.

Step:7 – Serve the Coffee:

After plunging the coffee, leave it for a few seconds and then enjoy your rich gourmet taste of classically brewed coffee.

Do you add milk to cafetiere coffee?

Yes, you can add milk to the cafetiere coffee. Although while preparing the coffee by the French press method, you should wait for almost 4 minutes. Adding milk directly to the coffee may spoil the taste.

How many teaspoons of coffee do you put in a cafetiere?

It depends on the amount of coffee you want to prepare and the size of your plunger or press pot. For 8 cups, you can put six tablespoons (58g) of coffee in 800ml of water.

Can I use filter coffee in a cafetiere?

The ground filter coffee can be used for a cafetiere. But the cafetiere coffee comes in special grade quality and thus you might have to pick the right one that suits your taste.

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